Lure&Kit Social offers a variety of services to market businesses online and improve website visibility. We provide Social Media Marketing/Management, Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Email Marketing, Influencer Marketing and related services.

Content Marketing

Content is king just as Content Creators are kingmakers. We believe the deal lies in high-quality content and emotive storytelling. When it comes to your brand, our marketers strike a fine balance between selling and engaging. Engaging with your audience has always been top of that list. We deem it a necessity to give your brand a voice that resonates with your target audience.

Social Media Marketing/Management

With the installation of Facebook Pixels, in-depth knowledge of the Sales Funnel system and Conversion Rates, we focus on tracking visitors on your website and/or landing pages. Visitors who interacted and engaged with your ad placement on social media and were redirected to your website. Ultimately, we will convert casual browsers into actual buyers.

Influencer Marketing

Crème de la Crème Marketing: Our network goes way beyond our expert team of digital marketers, it stretches to include some very big names in the sporting, entertainment and fashion industries who seek to endorse well-meaning and trustworthy brands.

Search Engine Optimization

Why rank 3rd on Google or Bing when you could be number 1 or 0? A combination of specific keywords and an SEO-friendly website copy increases visibility on Google and other primary search engines. Our SEO experts are constantly updating their knowledge on the ever-evolving algorithms to provide you with optimal results.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing equals Personalization and that's just how we do it. The probability of an email from us ending up in the junk box or spam is 0%. A lot of thoughtfulness, careful consideration and utmost concern goes into every promotional email sent out. We constantly remind ourselves of the fact that we are guests in the inbox of many recipients.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Do you want to run ads online but cost-effectively? PPC is the surest way to go. You get to pay only when your ad is clicked on. We research and select relevant keywords to optimize your results and ensure your campaigns are successful.